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Showing posts from March, 2024

240327 Story Time- Field Trip to the Ocean Deep

  Come join the fun as students take a submarine bus on a field trip to explore the ocean deep. Students dressed in deep sea helmets travel to the ocean deep in a yellow school-bus submarine. When they get there, they frolic with fish, luminescent squid, and discover an old shipwreck. But when it's time to return to the submarine bus, one student lingers to take a photo of a treasure chest and falls into a deep ravine. Luckily, the child is entertained by a Plesiosaur --an extinct sea creature - until being retrieved by the teacher. In his follow-up to Field Trip to the Moon, John Hare's rich, atmospheric art in this wordless picture book invites all children to imagine themselves in the story - A story full of mysteries, surprises, and adorable aquatic friends. from Yellow Submarine

240325~240328 K2 Phonics Weekly Plan

  We would like to inform you that we have a field trip planned for this upcoming Friday.  Our destination is Xinsheng Park  The trip will be a wonderful opportunity for the students to explore nature, engage in outdoor activities, and learn about the environment. P24~27 -id, -ig, -ill, -it

240320 Story Time- Sick Simon

  SICK SIMON  Sick Simon is about to learn that having a cold isn’t nearly as fun as he thought. (And also that he should wash his hands.) A clever book about learning what do (and not to do) during cold and flu season. Simon is going to have the best week ever. Who cares if he has a cold? And sneezes everywhere, and coughs on everyone, and touches everything. Germs call him a hero! Everyone else calls him…Sick Simon. When will it end? How far will he go? Will the germs take over? Or can Sick Simon learn to change his ways?

240315~240322 K2 Phonics Weekly Plan

  Phonics P20~P23 -end, -ent, -est, -eck  Phonics practice Ben and the Pig P4~P7

230313 Story Time- Tap the Magic Tree Every book needs you to turn the pages. But not every book needs you to tap it, shake it, jiggle it, or even blow it a kiss. Innovative and timeless, Tap the Magic Tree asks you to help one lonely tree change with the seasons. Now that’s interactive—and magical! It begins with a bare brown tree. But tap that tree, turn the page, and one bright green leaf has sprouted! Tap again—one, two, three, four—and four more leaves have grown on the next page. Pat, clap, wiggle, jiggle, and see blossoms bloom, apples grow, and the leaves swirl away with the autumn breeze. The collage-and-watercolor art evokes the bright simplicity of Lois Ehlert and Eric Carle and the interactive concept will delight fans of Pat the Bunny. Combining a playful spirit and a sense of wonder about nature, Christie Matheson has created a new modern classic that is a winner in every season—and every story time! And don't miss the follow-up, Touch the Brightest Star!

240311~240315 K2 Phonics Weekly Plan

  Phonics Kids P16~19 -eg, -et, -ess Class Activity- Word Puzzle Book Activity Evaluation Week Digraphs All

240304~240308 K2 Phonics Weekly Plan

  Phonics kids P12~P15 -ank, -amp & review 1 The Bear and the Bee Words: Stick, Bang, Zing 歡迎爸爸媽媽使用此流程圖,帶著寶貝一起練習覆述The Bear and the Bee 可以影印下來,或是在白紙上標註順序,帶來學校分享喔。   Readers P12~P15

Learning 3 Steps



鱷魚來了-英文拼字桌遊 同理心桌遊:他在想什麼?   Akros-Touch Photo CVC自然拼讀桌遊 英文造句建構桌遊 YT頻道 UK English- The Fable Cottage Vooks Warm Up Channel- Danny Go! RASS LANGUAGE - Reading as Art & Science of Sounds Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids writing- 123ABCtv Toddlers Can Read